
Prosperity Party’s Congress Starts its First-ever Meeting

ADDIS ABABA – The Congress of Ethiopia’s ruling party, Prosperity Party (PP), has today begun its first ever session since its formation three years ago.

It follows the PP’s consecutive central and executive bodies held their consecutive meetings on “various important national agendas and party activities” in the last week of February.

Apart from members and officials of the party, the inaugural session was attended by representatives of “sister parties” from foreign countries including Turkey, Algeria, South Africa, Djibouti, and South Sudan.

In his welcoming speech, Adem Farah, head of the Office of the Ruling Party, said that PP was born out of popular struggles and the undergoing national reforms.

Adem said the prosperity party has been registering remarkable results in ensuring peace and justice for the people of Ethiopia despite various challenges faced since its establishment.

PP came to existence late 2019 following a merger of three of the four ethnically-based parties in the former ruling coalition EPRDF. The merger also involved parties previously had a secondary status.

The move led to a major feud with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which had dominated the coalition for nearly three decades, and has not yet been resolved.

However, the party, led by the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, was able to register a landslide victory in the federal elections that took place in June, 2021

Prosperity Party has been facing many challenges since its formation, Adam said, and has overcome them successfully.

During the three-day long session, the congress will thoroughly review achievements, identify bottlenecks, explore solutions to the challenges and set decisive directives for future endeavors in all sectors, said head of the PP office.

The congress would help exchange constructive views that would help cement national reforms among members, he said.

The session, which started on Friday morning, will continue for over the weekend.


– EM/News Agencies

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