
Over 6.7mln Ethiopians Get Tested for HIV

ADDIS ABEBA – Ministry of Health (MoH) has said over 6.9 million Ethiopians have their blood tested for HIV in the 2018/19 fiscal year.

The figure has shown a 6 percent increase from the target set fiscal year. “Over 6.9 million Ethiopians have their blood tested during the previous fiscal year,” said Tegenee Regassa (Ph.D.), spokesperson of the ministry, while briefing journalists on Thursday.

The virus has been dictated in the blood sample of 46,000 people or 0.67 percent of the total people get tested for HIV.

During the year, Tegenee said also more than 2 million pregnant women get tested. The result shows more than 25,000 of them are HIV positive.

Over 15,000 of these women are currently getting Option B+ service for more than 15 of them said Tegenee.

This medical service prevents vertical transmission of the virus for expectant mothers living with HIV in which women are immediately offered treatment for life regardless of their CD4 count, according to experts.

Around 13,488 people were affected by HIV while over 13,000 peoples lost their lives as a result of the virus during the period. Over 610,000 Ethiopians are currently living with the virus.

By Mhret G/Kristos