
Ministry of Health Reports 119 New Coronavirus Infections

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s Covid-19 cases tally has reached 372, 334 after its Ministry of Health recorded 119 fresh infections on Monday.

In its Covid-19 report, the ministry said a total of 4, 117 tests were conducted in the past twenty-four hours to confirm the new positive cases.

Four additional Coronavirus-induced deaths and 109 recoveries were also recorded in the reported period, pushing the death toll to 6, 804 and recoveries tally to 349, 738.

At least 204 severely sick patients are now receiving medical treatments in hospitals nationwide.

The patients are among 15, 794 confirmed active cases in the country, the report shows.

The national vaccine drive which began Las march has also continued today.

In the past twenty-four period, at least 73, 000 doses 9f Covid-19 vaccine have been offered to the public

This has pushed the total doses given nationwide so far to 10,132,021 and the number of fully vaccinated Ethiopians close to 8.78 million.