Art & CultureNews

Kanya to host Secretariat of AU’s Specialized Cinema Agency

ADDIS ABABA – African Union and Kenya signed a host agreement of the Temporary Secretariat of the African Audio-visual and Cinema Commission (AACC).

Host Agreement for the operationalization of the Temporary Secretariat of  the AACC was signed on the margins of the AU Assembly in Addis Ababa.

The Specialized Agency of the AU aims at developing and strengthening Africa’s audio-visual and cinema industry.

Its functions include the promotion of research on African Audio-visual and Cinema industries and African films in the continent and globally.

The agency is also tasked to fast track the establishment of the African Audio-visual and Cinema Fund.

The AACC is also expected to promote the protection of indigenous knowledge and African oral and written folklore both at the national and continental levels.

AACC Statute

The African Union said the main role of the Temporary Secretariat will be to advocate for the ratification of the African Audio-visual and Cinema Commission Statute. 

In order for the Statute to enter into force and for the AACC to be fully operational, it requires fifteen (15) ratifications by Member States.  

To date, no Member State has ratified this instrument.   

The Statute of the African Audio-Visual and Cinema Commission was signed on the same day by Kenya. 

“Member States are requested to fast track the processes of signature and ratification of this important creative economy instrument,” said the Union.